Ruxandra – CEO, Bucharest Summit
LCA – What is our mission and purpose as a company?
RUXANDRA: From the beginning, the main purpose of Bucharest Summit was to create a high quality event for our industry, where all content creators, models and companies can have the opportunity to grow and improve their business.
LCA – What is the single most important thing in your organization?
RUXANDRA: The Bucharest Summit motto is to create the event as an experience and achieve our attendees goals as a mission.
LCA – What are today and tomorrow’s challenges?
RUXANDRA: For an event nowadays the biggest challenge is this entire pandemic, but mostly how much we can do to protect our partners and attendees. At the same time we want to create the same experience for everyone. We know how much it means for this industry to be able to connect with each other and also for us as individuals. It’s just that we need to do this right and make it comfortable for everyone. So for that we are constantly following the government indications amongst other things. We also implemented a test center inside the event and we are checking each attendee for vaccinations or corona tests.
LCA – What are your company’s current goals?
RUXANDRA: Bucharest Summit’s goal is to create more interaction and business for both our attendees as for our partners. To manage that everyone that attends the event leaves with an unforgettable experience, a great business deal and the best turnover. For that we launched Bucharest Summit 2.0 that brings new features:
– All the studios will be able to have their own expo booth in the dedicated area for studios and talents
– Brand ambassadors from around the world will be invited to share their experience but also to learn from the Romanian market
– Creating specific models workshops to help them grow into the career
– Expanding the market into the new trends
– Generating a dedicated area for mainstream services, like accountants, lawyers, marketing agencies, beauty clinics, etc.